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    El Programa del Adulto Mayor se encuentra realizando actividades en todas las provincias del Ecuador destinadas a las jubiladas y los jubilados del IESS. . Cumplir con días de aportación continua dentro de los 6 meses anteriores al inicio de la enfermedad, o días de aportación continua dentro de los 8 meses. El Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social, a través del Sistema de Pensiones, pone a disposición el servicio informático "simulador de jubilación", que permite a todos los afiliados al Seguro General Obligatorio y Seguro Voluntario obtener una proyección aproximada de la renta o pensión mensual que podrá recibir al. EDAD. IMPOSICIONES. AÑOS DE APORTACIÓN. Sin límite de edad. o más. 40 o más. 60 años o más. o más. 30 o más. 65 años o más. o más. 15 o más. 70 años o más. o más. 10 o más. Certificación bancaria de cuenta activa, o copia legible de la cuenta de ahorro o corriente, a nombre de cada beneficiario. Para convivientes con derecho, presentar la declaración juramentada que indique este estado civil. Tienen derecho a este servicio: Partida de matrimonio actualizada. No tener mora patronal.

    President and General José de La Mar , who was born in Ecuador, believing his opportunity had come to annex the District of Ecuador to Peru, personally, with a Peruvian force, invaded and occupied Guayaquil and a few cities in the Loja region of southern Ecuador on November 28, The war ended when a triumphant heavily outnumbered southern Gran Colombian army at Battle of Tarqui dated February 27, , led by Antonio José de Sucre , defeated the Peruvian invasion force led by President La Mar.

    Through protocolized meetings between representatives of Peru and Gran Colombia, the border was set as Tumbes river in the west and in the east the Maranon and Amazon rivers were to be followed toward Brazil as the most natural borders between them. However, what was pending was whether the new border around the Jaen region should follow the Chinchipe river or the Huancabamba river.

    According to the peace negotiations Peru agreed to return Guayaquil, Tumbez, and Jaén; despite this, Peru returned Guayaquil, but failed to return Tumbes and Jaén, alleging that it was not obligated to follow the agreements, since the Gran Colombia ceased to exist when it divided itself into three different nations - Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela. After Ecuador's separation, the Department of Cauca voluntarily decided to unite itself with Ecuador due to instability in the central government of Bogota.

    President Juan José Flores with the approval of the Ecuadorian congress annexed the Department of Cauca on December 20, , since the government of Cauca had called for union with the District of the South as far back as April Moreover, the Cauca region throughout its long history had very strong economic and cultural ties with the people of Ecuador.

    In five months, New Granada defeated Ecuador due to the fact that the majority of the Ecuadorian Armed Forces were composed of rebellious angry unpaid veterans from Venezuela and Colombia that did not want to fight against their fellow countrymen.

    Seeing that his officers were rebelling, mutinying, and changing sides, President Flores had no option but to reluctantly make peace with New Granada. Struggle for possession of the Amazon Basin South America Peru contested Ecuador's claims with the newly discovered Real Cedula of , by which Peru claims the King of Spain had transferred these lands from the Viceroyalty of New Granada to the Viceroyalty of Peru. During colonial times this was to halt the ever-expanding Portuguese settlements into Spanish domains, which were left vacant and in disorder after the expulsion of Jesuit missionaries from their bases along the Amazon Basin.

    Ecuador countered by labeling the Cedula of an ecclesiastical instrument, which had nothing to do with political borders. Peru began its de facto occupation of disputed Amazonian territories, after it signed a secret peace treaty in favor of Brazil.

    This treaty disregarded Spanish rights that were confirmed during colonial times by a Spanish-Portuguese treaty over the Amazon regarding territories held by illegal Portuguese settlers. Peru began occupying the defenseless missionary villages in the Mainas or Maynas region which it began calling Loreto with its capital in Iquitos.

    During its negotiations with Brazil, Peru stated that based on the royal cedula of , it claimed Amazonian Basin territories up to Caqueta River in the north and toward the Andes Mountain range, depriving Ecuador and Colombia of all their claims to the Amazon Basin. Colombia protested stating that its claims extended south toward the Napo and Amazon Rivers. Ecuador protested that it claimed the Amazon Basin between the Caqueta river and the Marañon-Amazon river. Peru ignored these protests and created the Department of Loreto in with its capital in Iquitos which it had recently invaded and systematically began to occupy using the river systems in all the territories claimed by both Colombia and Ecuador.

    Peru briefly occupied Guayaquil again in , since Peru thought that Ecuador was selling some of the disputed land for development to British bond holders, but returned Guayaquil after a few months. The border dispute was then submitted to Spain for arbitration from to , but to no avail. In the early part of the 20th century Ecuador made an effort to peacefully define its eastern Amazonian borders with its neighbours through negotiation.

    Then after a few meetings with the Colombian government's representatives an agreement was reached and the Muñoz Vernaza-Suarez Treaty was signed July 15, , in which Colombian rights to the Putumayo river were recognized as well as Ecuador's rights to the Napo river and the new border was a line that ran midpoint between those two rivers.

    Ecuador protested this secret treaty, since Colombia gave away Ecuadorian claimed land to Peru that Ecuador had given to Colombia in In July 21, the Ponce-Castro Oyanguren Protocol was signed between Ecuador and Peru where both agreed to hold direct negotiations and to resolve the dispute in an equitable manner and to submit the differing points of the dispute to the United States for arbitration.

    Negotiations between the Ecuadorian and Peruvian representatives began in Washington on September 30, These negotiations were long and tiresome. Both sides logically presented their cases, but no one seemed to give up their claims. Then on February 6, , Ecuador presented a transactional line which Peru rejected the next day.

    The negotiations turned into intense arguments during the next 7 months and finally on September 29, the Peruvian representatives decided to break off the negotiations without submitting the dispute to arbitration because the direct negotiations were going nowhere. Four years later in , amid fast-growing tensions within disputed territories around the Zarumilla River, war broke out with Peru. Peru claimed that Ecuador's military presence in Peruvian-claimed territory was an invasion; Ecuador, for its part, claimed that Peru had recently invaded Ecuador around the Zarumilla River and that Peru since Ecuador's independence from Spain has systematically occupied Tumbez, Jaen, and most of the disputed territories in the Amazonian Basin between the Putomayo and Marañon Rivers.

    In July , troops were mobilized in both countries. Peru had an army of 11, troops who faced a poorly supplied and inadequately armed Ecuadorian force of 2,, of which only 1, were deployed in the southern provinces. Hostilities erupted on July 5, , when Peruvian forces crossed the Zarumilla river at several locations, testing the strength and resolve of the Ecuadorian border troops.

    Finally, on July 23, , the Peruvians launched a major invasion, crossing the Zarumilla river in force and advancing into the Ecuadorian province of El Oro.

    Map of Ecuadorian Land Claims after During the course of the Ecuadorian—Peruvian War , Peru gained control over part of the disputed territory and some parts of the province of El Oro, and some parts of the province of Loja , demanding that the Ecuadorian government give up its territorial claims.

    The Peruvian Navy blocked the port of Guayaquil , almost cutting all supplies to the Ecuadorian troops. After a few weeks of war and under pressure by the United States and several Latin American nations, all fighting came to a stop.

    Ecuador and Peru came to an accord formalized in the Rio Protocol , signed on January 29, , in favor of hemispheric unity against the Axis Powers in World War II favouring Peru with the territory they occupied at the time the war came to an end.

    The Glorious May Revolution followed a military-civilian rebellion and a subsequent civic strike which successfully removed Carlos Arroyo del Río as a dictator from Ecuador's government. However, a post-Second World War recession and popular unrest led to a return to populist politics and domestic military interventions in the s, while foreign companies developed oil resources in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

    In , construction of the Andean pipeline was completed. The pipeline brought oil from the east side of the Andes to the coast, making Ecuador South America's second largest oil exporter. The pipeline in southern Ecuador did nothing to resolve tensions between Ecuador and Peru, however. The Rio Protocol failed to precisely resolve the border along a little river in the remote Cordillera del Cóndor region in southern Ecuador. This caused a long-simmering dispute between Ecuador and Peru, which ultimately led to fighting between the two countries; first a border skirmish in January—February known as the Paquisha Incident , and ultimately full-scale warfare in January where the Ecuadorian military shot down Peruvian aircraft and helicopters and Peruvian infantry marched into southern Ecuador.

    Each country blamed the other for the onset of hostilities, known as the Cenepa War. Popular sentiment in Ecuador became strongly nationalistic against Peru: The new president exiled José María Velasco to Argentina.

    He remained in power until , when he was removed by another military government. That military junta was led by Admiral Alfredo Poveda , who was declared chairman of the Supreme Council. The Supreme Council included two other members: The civil society more and more insistently called for democratic elections. Colonel Richelieu Levoyer , Government Minister, proposed and implemented a Plan to return to the constitutional system through universal elections. This plan enabled the new democratically elected president to assume the duties of the executive office.

    Certificado que indique que el fallecido no adeuda al IESS. Certificación bancaria de cuenta activa, o copia legible de la cuenta de ahorro o corriente, a nombre de cada beneficiario.

    Viuda con hijos menores: Partida de nacimiento y copia de la cédula de ciudadanía del fallecido. Certificación bancaria de cuenta activa, o copia legible de la cuenta de ahorro o corriente, a nombre de cada uno de los beneficiarios. Viuda con hijos incapacitados: Partida de nacimiento y copia de cédula de ciudadanía de los hijos incapacitados; si son hijos adoptados o extramatrimoniales, partidas de nacimiento íntegras. Partida de defunción original del causante. Partido de matrimonio original actualizada.

    Partida de nacimiento y una copia de cedula del causante. Partida de nacimiento y dos copias de cedula de la viuda. Certificado de no adeudar al IESS. Certificado bancario a nombre de la viuda.

    Partida de nacimiento y copia de cédula de ciudadanía del solicitante. Certificado de votación menores de 65 años de edad. Certificación bancaria de cuenta activa, o copia legible de la cuenta bancaria a nombre del beneficiario. Partida de nacimiento y copia de cédula de ciudadanía del o la conviviente.

    Certificación bancaria de cuenta activa, o copia legible de la cuenta bancaria a nombre de la conviviente. Copia de la papeleta de votación del conviviente. Declaración que el causante hubiere hecho de su estado civil. Croquis de la dirección domiciliaria.

    Si el fallecido es retirado militar o policial presentar original del acuerdo ministerial.

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